Lesley's Online Courses

For Mentors and Coaches

My self-paced online courses will help you develop essential skills and qualities to feel super confident in your role as a mentor or a coach. You will know how to ask great questions, give effective feedback, and foster meaningful, positive mentoring and coaching relationships.

Tools & Templates

Get access to a wide range of mentoring tools and templates that will help you build your mentoring and coaching skills

Join the Community

You don't have to learn on your own. Join my Mentoring Community FB group, to connect with others involved in mentoring and coaching.

Ask Lesley

At any time when you are feeling a little stuck or you have a question you would really like answered, contact me. That's what I'm here for!


Prepare to Mentor

Prepare to Mentor will help you gain confidence and fast track your mentoring career. The course involves live group calls, becoming part of a community of mentors, and gives you the tools, templates, and strategies to be super confident as a mentor and foster positive, successful relationships with your mentees.


This course will help you develop essential skills to be an effective, inspirational coach. Coaching for Success is designed to help you develop your coaching capabilities, whether you are in the role of a coach or a coachee.

Getting the Conversation Right: Handling those Difficult Conversations

Getting the Conversation Right is all about communication. This course will help you develop essential skills to build quality relationships in the workplace and in your personal life, and feel confident managing those tricky conversations that can sometimes challenge us

My Mentor Identity Short Course

A short course for people who want to get really clear on their goals and intentions as a mentor and want to identify their unique qualities and skills that support their mentee’s growth and success.

Mentoring Programme Diagnostic

The Mentoring Programme Diagnostic is a simple 3-step process that is completed within 7 days. I work with you to bring clarity and structure to your programme design and implementation, saving you time and money by getting it right the first time.

Professional Training Courses for Mentors and Coaches

Lesley's online training courses will equip you with the essential tools and skills to shift your mentoring and coaching practice from aspirational to inspirational

Dr Lesley Petersen, Mentoring Specialist, Lesley Petersen Consulting

Hi, here’s a little bit of information about me…….I have over thirty years’ experience in the learning and development field, specifically building my expertise in the areas of mentoring training and programme design. I also get involved in various research projects.

My PhD explored how mentoring provides a support mechanism for professional practice and resulted in the development of an evidence-based mentoring model as a mechanism for supporting professional development and enhancing leadership capabilities across an organisation.

My international business assists small, medium and large organisations with designing and implementing mentoring programmes that are aligned to the strategic goals of the business and help develop people to reach their full potential.

Contact me if you would like to find out more about my work and how I help individuals, teams and organisations with their mentoring initiatives.